Greetings friends!

Did you know that the average person has thousands of thoughts a day? It’s fair to say that most of us are in our heads most of the time, with much of our attention on our thoughts rather than what’s happening now. Mindfulness is the practice of fully experiencing what’s happening in the present moment without any judgment.

One-Minute Mindfulness are short reads that give you a practice a week so you can experience being mindful in the activities you’re already doing. No extra time required. So, no excuses my friends!

This week, take the time to wake up and smell the coffee. Start with a deep belly breath. Now fully engage your senses as you drink your favorite morning beverage. See if it has an aroma. Taste the flavor. Feel the sensation in your mouth. Pause and notice how fully experiencing it makes you feel.

You just experienced a mindful moment.

I would love for you to share your experience from this practice and share what you’ve learned. And if you’re looking for less stress at work, try some of these mindfulness practices.

Wishing you a mindful week!

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