As I started 2015, I decided I was going to do a little experiment. Instead of making new year resolutions, I was going to dream audaciously! In fact I was going to share my audacious dream with everyone on social media. It was an experiment in courage. It was also an experiment to see if we could start a movement of people dreaming big and out loud. Dorie Clark is a friend, acclaimed author, and fellow movement-maker. She took me up on the challenge. She has a brand new book out this week called Stand Out. In this blog post she shares her dreams for 2015 to inspire us. Dorie has a powerful dream to help people share their best ideas with the world. Read on about Dorie’s daring dream.

Dorie Clark’s Daring Dream
My audacious dream for 2015 is to help more people share their best ideas with the world. I’ll work to do this by:
  • Ensuring my new book Stand Out reaches as many people as possible, and working to make it a bestseller
  • Doubling my email list to 20,000
  • Creating a new digital product
  • Finding a girlfriend (gotta have some personal goals, too!)
  • Visiting at least two new countries before the end of the year (having already been to two new ones, Turkey and Kazakhstan, in January)
  • Giving even more value through my email list, by setting up an autoresponder sequence that shares “back issues” of my best content
  • Creating more video content, so I can connect with people through that medium
  • Selling the proposal for my next book (my third) to a well-respected publisher
  • Developing at least three new meaningful friendships this year
  • Enhancing the sustainability of my business by creating a new revenue stream through online sales, generating at least 10% of my annual income

Wow! I am awed by the ambition, the desire for service, the sense of courage and adventure, and the personal vulnerability that Dorie shows in sharing her audacious dream for 2015! These are many of the leadership traits I talk about in my upcoming book Wired for Authenticity (May 2015). One of the seven practices of authenticity I talk about is “Dance With the Dream”. It is about engaging with what energizes and excites us so that we are inspired by our work, and in turn inspire others.

Thank you Dorie for inspiring us and here’s wishing all your dreams come true. I hope you will share Dorie’s dream with others in your community, be inspired by her dream, and also share your dream with us.

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