Since my conversation about race with my friend Vernice (a mother of two African American boys), I’ve been thinking a lot about what it is to belong versus what it’s like to feel like “the other.” In our podcast, Vernice talked about how she didn’t feel comfortable talking about race outside the “family” (i.e., her black family and tribe). My sense is that whether we feel that we belong (in a group, a tribe, a team, a classroom) has both profound impact on our sense of safety and wellbeing as well as our contribution and impact.

I’ve been talking to many of my African American friends about how they experience belonging vs. otherness. I’ve also been reflecting about my own experiences of feeling like “the other” (often being the only woman in a roomful of male leaders). My reflections have given me a tiny glimpse of what it must feel like. I’ve often felt like I can’t make any mistakes. I have to work even harder. I am on guard about how I’m being perceived. I pay attention to whether I speak up or whether my voice is heard. These are some of the many micro glass ceilings inside my head. It’s tiring and lonely, and yet it is also a shared human experience. At one time or another, many of us have had a feeling of being “the other.” This is not meant to compare micro-aggressions but to feel into the experience.

On the other hand, when I belong, I can relax all the guards that are up. I can be more courageous, more expressive. What would it be like to belong to the human race? What would it be like to feel more belonging on a team I’m part of? I started a practice for myself of belonging. It’s in this podcast called COMPASSION. It’s a version of the loving-kindness meditation I learned from my meditation teachers. Try it out for yourself. And let me know how it worked for you in the comments below.

P.S. Belonging will help you shift Trust Agility. Take the quiz here from my new book Wired for Disruption, now a #1 New Release on Amazon.

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  • Carriel Danz

    Compassion: I was tremendously moved by this podcast!! I have been wondering what to do — it’s been like being at a funeral and you just don’t know what to say. Thank you for sharing. Glad to hear the wise, calm and loving voices. You have soothed my soul.

    Thank you

    • Henna Inam

      Hi Carriel – Thank you for sharing how you feel. I too am finding myself at a loss for what to DO. The issues that we’re confronted by seem so big and I feel so helpless at times. In those times, it helps to just PAUSE and FEEL what I’m feeling. Offer self-compassion and feel compassion for the other. Then a wise voice and action can emerge.


  • anthony michael dadante

    I am always moved by what you write, how you share and kindness that comes from it all!

    • Henna Inam

      Thank you Anthony! I appreciate your kind words. We often recognize in others what we ourselves already have.


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